Monday, August 20, 2007

AdaLin?? haha


This is a game haha.. its just like snakes n ladder but its really funny that it is named after aladin but instead ADALIN!!! haha.. so i changed ppl's names from edeleen to eleende.. Liyana to Linaya.. AnnGee to GeeAnn.. haha Myself Gigi to gigi.. =) wink* mine's best!! anyways, we played tht game at mcd centrepoint.. we were so noisy as expected.. mm but was so fun! sigh thank bubbles for not joinin.. u lousy! but nvm adalin's english was abit cacated le hehe some words on the board haha jst so funny! but was great.. sigh miss edeleen.. wait let me get all the pics thn i'll do a blog for edeleen.. miss her~ hehe anyways have fun! nite

Saturday, August 11, 2007

light & easy day.. =)

Well, mmm our first time Friday a weekend which is sooo nice n slow n relaxing.. so fun~ we woke up fr Sunway hotel mm took our sweet time to get ready.. had lunch n ooo n it started off the slow day! =) hehehe.. me n ed waited for mr bong to get ready thn drove him to work.. thn i waited for bubbles to finish class to come chill wit me till ed finish lookin for li.. hehe anyways, we went swimming.. it was fun!!

Liyana, Edeleen, Samantha, Gigi & AnnGee!! ooo Diane ur lost again.. hehe.. anyways this was before we got wet heheh.. my idea of takin pics again!! sigh i'm known as camwhore but who cares its what i like hehhe.. my hobby ooo! soooo jobless..=)
n mmm more pics to come come come!!!

..--''+~Happy & MemorabLe tiMes wiTh fuN LoveLy DarLingS~+''--..

^The 3 nuisance^ as usual - Sam, Ed & G

The used to be England ppL.. oo i cried on the phone whn i reached uk.. aa so shy** Thanks babe.. =)

This is someone i will miss whn she goes to the other side of the world.. sigh!! America is far my deaR.. =( but there is technology luckily~ hehehe muaKsssss

Wait i dun have pic wit Li cos mmm she was busy wit her telephone.. until i went in the pool swimmin laps.. thn she poof got in.. hehe
anyways, >>>>>>>>

now we're swimming!! hehhe

This was our last pic in the pool...
anyways after tht we had dinner movie n slp.. =) yay! such a happy day.. n we were good gals too.. we jst stayed home n mm write blogs thts what i'm doin now.. n hehe mmm probably jst laze around.. i'm a lazy gal i can admit hehe.. =)


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hong Kong!!

This is Hong's Kong nite scenery!! mm very pretty.. aLL high rise.. ooo sMaller new york..LoLzzz! weLL anyways, i shop aLot there broke d.. mmm n oo drink too! LoLz.. my lil bestfriend Michele is very funny whn she's hiGh.. oo i sang my favourite song too~ happiness!! it was a blast even tho it was a short trip.. mm more pics.. it says it all ~~ here we go!!

We pretty Ladies in our room~ mmm comfy!! =)

Mmm micheLe n her drinks.. mm nono one is mine.. My faV reD beaN mmm~ yum yum!!

This gal is sooo nice! she brought us around.. may i represent Loooooo...... mmm she is sooo kind!! tht she brought us drinkin hehehe n shopping n everywhr! hehe She is jst from Hong Kong thts why.. hehe (",)

Haha.. not to Forget!! me Gigi wit her Drink.. yum yuM~ taste greaT.. mm

Crazy bunch! hehe

overall it was jst one word all in one.. Memorable.. mm =) i love those times.. thanks anyways.. mm goodnite!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Flowers?? What are they..?? Beauty by NaTure.. sooThing n Relaxing.. weLL, basically if one starts a Day wiTh fLowers iT will be a briGht n happY daY! It is saiD so becaUSe HumaNs are eMotionally infLuenced by suRroundiNgs. FlowErs blends aLong wiTh jovial and happy feelings as well as denote enthusiasm and desire. As saiD NaturaL Beauty Leaves a symboL of HoPe~ (",)..

LookiN at them LeaVes the feeLing of PeaCe, Joy, Hope and cuRes.. ReVive to briNg Happiness aRound.. sMiLe is to cuRe one's dePrive.. LaughtEr Brings haPPiness but aLso SadNess.. It onLy maKes u StronGer if soMething Doesn't KiLLs u~


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

HaPPy BelaTed Mother's Day!

My MommY~~ =)

Mothers aRe speciaL!
There aRe as BeautifuL as the Flowers That bLooMs iN the GarDen,

is jSt sO tRuLy sPeciaL,
verY UniQue iN eVerY wAy.
MoMMyyy is aLwiZ WarM aNd sWeet N LoviNg
LiKe tHe suNshiNe wHich ShiNe eVerY Day.

~MuaKs mummy~

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Daily Overview for January 23, 2007
Provided by Daily Extended Forecast

Your understanding of another person will grow stronger if you take things slowly.

Ready or not, here comes a whole new beginning. This transition will go much easier if you face your fears head on. Go ahead and make this great leap. Trust your heart, and follow wherever it might lead you.