Sunday, July 08, 2007


Flowers?? What are they..?? Beauty by NaTure.. sooThing n Relaxing.. weLL, basically if one starts a Day wiTh fLowers iT will be a briGht n happY daY! It is saiD so becaUSe HumaNs are eMotionally infLuenced by suRroundiNgs. FlowErs blends aLong wiTh jovial and happy feelings as well as denote enthusiasm and desire. As saiD NaturaL Beauty Leaves a symboL of HoPe~ (",)..

LookiN at them LeaVes the feeLing of PeaCe, Joy, Hope and cuRes.. ReVive to briNg Happiness aRound.. sMiLe is to cuRe one's dePrive.. LaughtEr Brings haPPiness but aLso SadNess.. It onLy maKes u StronGer if soMething Doesn't KiLLs u~


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