Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Who is Who?

who wiLL you be? or Who wiLL i be?
WeLL, the choiCes we maKe in Life wiLL define the Rest of ouR daYs!
u waN iT to be foR tHe beTter or thE woRse.. iTs nEveR too LatE~ *i thiNk*
Do iT foR urseLf.. chooSe the riGht choiCe! GiVe iT tiMe to think..
iF oNe ruSh on sumThin iT wiLL aLways faiL..
sTaRt Fr the Beginning, TaKe tiMe!
HoweVer, tiMe taKes iT aLL^^
SometiMes, The heaRt haS no reaSons thaT reaSons doeS noT kno..
SoMetiMes, We LoVe buT wE deNy foR tHe saKe oF KeepiN iT saFe n LeaViN tHe paiN..
SoMetiMes, wE foRce to aCt horribLy daRk buT deeP doWn iT huRts..
SomeTiMes, we jsT Lay dowN n ThinK >>>Why?<<<
A momeNt settLed n hoVerEd... tHen iT reMain moRe thaN a momeNt,
whEn a tiMe coMes when oNes liFe goeS oFf couRse.
iT is goiN oFf to nowHeRe..
oNe don'T know wHeRe!!
wiLL oNe fiGht to sTay on This paTh whiLe otHers teLL yoU wHo r u?
oR wiLL oNe LabeL myseLf?
oR wiLL oNe foLLow tHe heaRt oF The moTher earTh..
aNd eMbraCe the nEw Path..
iT taKes braVery aNd couRage to Let soMeone ouT foR tHe reAson tO be resPEcted!
EveRy morninG, oNe chooSe to moVe forWaRd or jSt GiVe uP~
Who wiLL i be? aNd who wiLL you be?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hehe isn'T this amaZing.. iTs haNging baLLsss.. it jsT won'T droP untiL i usE my sPoon n pusH it dowN.. =) this CorneR crunch yoGhurT is tHe BesT.. wisH Msia goT thn wAaa soo niCe.. =)

Look at The Krispy KreMes!!! mmm so niCe.. haha StepH can make u jeaLous i aLso got food!!!
More aMazing>>
DeaR Baby Chanice is eating krisPy KreMe.. she loVes it!! oMg.. she liKes aLL sWeeT food.. yuM yuM hor lil GirL..

and got moRe

my DarLing DarLing sisTer aLso holdiN the whoLe boX of iT!! buT she didn'T eaT muCh as sHe dun LiKe sWeeT stuFfs..

aLright i m huNgry haVen'T aTe anythin yEt tHe whoLe daY.. i woKe up at 9am.. weNt for cLass caMe bacK n naP tiLL now.. i m goNna shoWer n cooK n eaT.. n thN reaD my PoliticS!! sigH!! sieNz.. hugz

The TiMes we Had toGethEr (",)

mmm iTs 10pm ere.. LatE niTe buT i sTiLL waNna bLog b4 i HeAd to Da bEd.. mmm sLp SLp is niCe buT iTs liKe wasTin tiMe le.. aNyways, i'Ve aLwiz goT ProbLems wiTh waKing up.. so TirEd ~musT be tHe coLd weaTher!!~

oKie Lets see.. mm noW my bLog wiLL be moRe PictuRes thaN woRds.. coS PictuRes TeLLs tHem aLL.. =) *sMiLe WinK* i tHink mY Life is noT so bad tho.. buT tHere aRe of couRse sum thiNgs whiCh neeDs to be seTtleD liKe woRk n counTing daYs to go baCk n mm ... eVery oTher thiNg! noboDy's Life is pErfecT.. wE cnT see tHe fuTure eiTher..
liFe is Like a Box oF choCoLatEs!!
oo.. you dunno wHat insiDe oF iT tiLL it oPens.. (",)

How i miss u?? niCe scoNes ere! MuaKs

EveRybodY groWs eVerydaY!

We aLL Look aLike don'T we =)

lolz.. cute cuTe! i liKe.. *winK*

The SexY girLS!

~GiLa giLa!! wOo hoo.. mm siEnz! moRe Than eNuf piCs keke..
oK i think i shLd sTop befoRe i fiLL up tHis paGe wiT aLL the Pics i haVe.. lolz!.. anywayS i'LL conTinuE tMr! niTey niTe

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Happy BirThday Mei.. aNyways, these aRe my Good Fren i Met iN ManchEsTer n wiLL aLways be.. Yay!! Lucky me.. They aRe aLL veRy niCe..(",).. mmm buT i sTiLL miss MAlaysia.. The fooD.. The peopLe.. Less aNgmoS theRe tho.. =) Most Prob wiLL be goiN to sPorE d iN deC!! ooo n aFter soo Long i m goiN to bLog oNce aGaiN.. siEnz! eee.. waiT leT me puT moRe piCs on the spoRe soCieTy Dinner daY.. we'Re aLL so beaUtifuL eVeN tHe guyS.. ngeK ngeK!! onLy DaRren nvR go.. he HaPPily dRunk in London!! lolz.. =)

There goEs the diNNer n daNCe.. =) okok.. i'll wRite moRe LAter.. goT cLass d.. buhbwaiZ.. =)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

oH no!

Hi Bloggy.. Ooo I'Ve BeeN veRy Lazy to bLog.. nauGhty Me! i M acTually gonna go back today =) in tHe EveniNg.. weLL, this tiME not aLL aLone in thE pLaNe.. i'Ve goT My frieNd yay!! my houSemate.. we'Re siTtiN the saMe fLighT buT sHe's goNNa jusT traNsiT aT M'sia tHen sHe'll LeaVe foR Jakarta!! haha.. i MigHt visiT heR tho.. shouLd be.. iTs neaR.. =) *winK*.. oH yea n see tHe Pic.. haha JEaLous.. i neVer Liked donuTs buT this oNe is 1 quiTe deLicious donuT to Eat.. fOr a DonuT iTs good.. MayBe i shLd oPen a sTaLL iN Msia.. haha.. goNNa cost soo MucH duE to The HigH exChaNge Rate..oo LoveLy haageN Dazz iS foRevEr My Fav ice-cReaM.. yay! n for uniVersitY choiCe i m goNNa finally Make up my miNd on the 2Nd of June tHen no Turning BacK anymoRe =).. haha mY LiFe seeMs so PerfecT for a moMeNt Now.. hoPe noThin sPoils iT tiLL the daY i die.. So imPossibLe.. haha.. aNyways buhbwaiz foR now..


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hiee.. aiKs.. What happEneD to Me today! i goT cuT by thE kniFe whEn i was WashiN iT.. ouCh so paiN buT.. nVm i caN beaR the LiL paiN aS i caN handLe reaL paiN PaiN! siGh.. Anyways noW boTh my haNds aRe JusT useLess.. oNe goT BurN onE goT CuT.. wHat's NexT.? ProB JusT Die! haha YEah riTe.. u tHinK iTs so EasY to diE eVen iF u wAN iT so BadLy.. BuT i tHinK i waNna Take caRe oF My FamiLy insTeaD of juSt GiviNg uP.. I Love yoU!!! u kNow who u aRe.. =) aLL oF u!! I wiLL be tHe besT i caN.. i wiLL tRy wiTh aLL my hEarT & souL.. to heLp beaUtiFy aLL oF u aNd beaUtiFy my inSiDe souL.. aNd taKe aWay tHe eViL coNsciEnce!!.. Gtg Bye! One Tree HiLL is sooo ToucHiN.. niteZ

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


HeLLoo.. Mmm Let'S see wHat did i do 2Day.. i Had no cLass in d Morning n i waS onLy thiNkin bouT sumtHin for Me to kNow n no 1 To fiNd ouT.. anywayS, Lets see i haD IT cLass for 3 houRs.. n i LeaRn HTML n nEed to Make a WebpaGe for paRt of My AssigNmenT. iT haS to be compLeTed by NeXt tueSday.. SchooL eNds on The 2Nd June.. so cooL.. buT i'LL be goiN back on the 31st.. SteppiN dowN KL on 1aT of June.. i'm gLad beTter tHan here.. buT oh no The Picture cRossed Thru my miNd.. uNiversity!! 3 yRs.. mm I think i caN surVivE.. Uni Life is mucH beTTer n This tiMe i go BaCK i wiLL do eveRy gooD Deed in oRder to gaiN a Good, Happy LiFe and Future. Thank you My aNgeLs and coNsCieNce foR HeLpiN me.. My DarLiN FamiLy anD FrieNds.. uR The BesT! HugZzz..

Monday, May 22, 2006

My horosCoPe toDay

My HoroscoPe toDay!!

You do not have to be an expert at everything! Just get familiar with key concepts.

Let's face it -- you're really just a big softy. You hate to see someone else in pain or discomfort. You can come riding to the rescue right now when it comes to a loved one and an uncomfortable situation.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


a New woRd.. (",)
Hahah.. so boRed.. i've beeN doiN mY aSsignMents siNce mm 11am.. so BoreD!! i m so tiRed of reaDing n TypiNg n Reading & TypiNg.. n oMG iTs raIning quiTe heaVy for England's RaiN.. ^^ anywayS, iTs vERy coLd.. bRrrr!! My haNd sCar is sTiLL veRy ugLy i hoPe iT wiLL go aWay sooN.. mm This moRning i foLLowEd GiaNa My Lil niCe HousEmaTe to Da Church.. so cooL aLtho i m Not a CathoLic i Like to joiN tHem siNgin The SonGs.. i'M a GreAt siNgeR... bLueK** noT baD huh!! What eLse..?? mm ItS suPer FreeZiNg i m WeaRing 2 Long SleeVe ShiRt mm Long PanTs soCKs.. My haNds aRe sTiLL surviviNg so no neeD GloVes.. buT stiLL freeZiNg.. aiKs.. aT hoMe n iTs liKe The FreeZer.. RelieviN mY tirEdnEss oF doiN woRk.. noW, mm TaLkin on SkyPe wiTh GYPSVK!! haha.. They ReaDin TheiR fuNNy PasT i m jusT HeariN.. hehe.. MoRe to coMe eiTher toniTe or Tomorrow.. i m bLoggiN eVerydaY!! QuiTe Fun.. haha.. buhbWaiz


HeLLo aLL... I aM so boRed!! aLtho i goT liKe 7 assiGnMents to fiNish in mm 8 days.. haha.. buT no probLemo.. i caN do iT.. weLL, i've compLeted 2.. jusT haVe to aDd abit more buT it'LL taKe LEss ThaN 5 mins.. ^^ *wiNk*.. anywAysss, iTs so boRed heRe i raTher Rot aT hoMe aT HoMe hoME.. roTtin heRe is noT good coS

  • iTs FreeZiNG
  • BoriNG
  • cannot sCreaM
  • no one to taLk to.. my housemaTe is studyiN
  • there's noThin to do Here but waiT for tiMe to pass by slowLy

KiLL me.. oMG!!.. Today my mooD is ok.. buT its Sad but noT Sad.. happY buT not Happy.. bored but stiLL can maKe myseLF liVe.. but i seriousLy feeL liKe dyiNg aT thiS momeNt.. dunno?? i neVer haVe this feeLing aT hoMe siGh.. hoW i wiSh i caN be occuPied Every sEcoNd.. JusT siEnz!! buhbwAiz..

Saturday, May 20, 2006



Sigh Why doEs eVerYThiNg seeMs to go wRoNg.. i jusT burN my haND in the oVen.. oucH!! i haTe it.. iTs so paiN .. iT jusT burNs. siGh.. i neeD to waKe up n CorrecT eveRythiN thaT happEn today.. EveRything is compLicated or mayBe i maDe it.. buT thaTs how i feeL.. confusEd by eVerything From worK load to ..... siGh.. how i wisH liFE waS jusT simpLe? wHr iT was jusT the woRLd wiThouT Me.. so no woRries. siGh.. i neeD ur suppoRt mY faMiLy my fRiends.. i reaLLy need u guys! i m so dowN n jusT horribLe.. Hate my day!! haTe myseLf.. Hate liviNg now.. sigH i aLways teLL ppL to be haPPy n i m reaLLy tryiN to maKe iT worK for myseLf.. pLeaSe goD help ME!!.. bLess ME pLs.. obviousLy i haVe to do somEthiNG in retuRn i wiLL.. i wiLL!! aLL i wisH is jusT good haPPy not compLicaTed lifE.. i usE to be impatient n just hot tempered.. thoSe who knoW me weLL siNce young u shLd know hoW mucH i'Ve chaNge..? how diFfereNt i am noW.. i feeL i am forgiving n jusT So noT me anymore.. buT this is wHat they say..> tHe betteR u are, ppL wiLL treat u as bad.! so what's tHe poiNT..? weLL, gueSs iTs jusT the way it is.. i am fatEd to be bullied n punished n scolded. sigH.. byee

Friday, May 19, 2006


HeLLo.. tHanks for visiTin aLL.. =) I am soo haPPy my blog kinda succeeD.. (^.^)Anyways,siGh i m Gigi Mei hehe.. Nice coMbinaTion yay!!MissiNg hoMe!! i kNow i wiLL be hoMe sooN buT too mucH has HappeN for me to miss..
the worse I haVE to maKe choicEs..For MY uNi!! i dun wanna hurT mummy by noT taKing scieNce & EngineeriNG.. n i dun wanna let go my International Business, Finance & Economics... Well, iTs not so much on the uni i like but the course. i dun mind being Anywhere when i am already far away.. so what does it matter rite.. i just wan to make everyhting right.! i dun wanna make a wrong choice. iTs expensive not a cheap thing to play around with. n iTs my future.. i dun wanna ruin it.. n worse i dun wanna drop out from uni.. i need to get my degree n go on with my masters.. n mmm i plan california here i come!! *MyDreaM* hoPe it turns to reality! i am trying to make it tho!! =) anyways yeaPs.. enJoy my paGe ppl.. Visit it once in a whiLe.. CatCH up wiTh my liFe.. comfort me wHen i need! thanks.. buhbwaizz

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Visit Cute-Spot.com!

i carry your heart with me,

i carry it in my heart,

i am never without it anywhere i go you go,my dear;

and whatever is done by only me is your doing,

my darling i fear no fate for you are my fate,

my sweet i want no world for beautiful you are my world,

my true and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and

whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

here is the root of the root and

the bud of the bud and

the sky of the sky of a tree called life;

which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide and

this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart

i carry it in my heart