Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Happy BirThday Mei.. aNyways, these aRe my Good Fren i Met iN ManchEsTer n wiLL aLways be.. Yay!! Lucky me.. They aRe aLL veRy niCe..(",).. mmm buT i sTiLL miss MAlaysia.. The fooD.. The peopLe.. Less aNgmoS theRe tho.. =) Most Prob wiLL be goiN to sPorE d iN deC!! ooo n aFter soo Long i m goiN to bLog oNce aGaiN.. siEnz! eee.. waiT leT me puT moRe piCs on the spoRe soCieTy Dinner daY.. we'Re aLL so beaUtifuL eVeN tHe guyS.. ngeK ngeK!! onLy DaRren nvR go.. he HaPPily dRunk in London!! lolz.. =)

There goEs the diNNer n daNCe.. =) okok.. i'll wRite moRe LAter.. goT cLass d.. buhbwaiZ.. =)

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