Friday, November 17, 2006

Hehe isn'T this amaZing.. iTs haNging baLLsss.. it jsT won'T droP untiL i usE my sPoon n pusH it dowN.. =) this CorneR crunch yoGhurT is tHe BesT.. wisH Msia goT thn wAaa soo niCe.. =)

Look at The Krispy KreMes!!! mmm so niCe.. haha StepH can make u jeaLous i aLso got food!!!
More aMazing>>
DeaR Baby Chanice is eating krisPy KreMe.. she loVes it!! oMg.. she liKes aLL sWeeT food.. yuM yuM hor lil GirL..

and got moRe

my DarLing DarLing sisTer aLso holdiN the whoLe boX of iT!! buT she didn'T eaT muCh as sHe dun LiKe sWeeT stuFfs..

aLright i m huNgry haVen'T aTe anythin yEt tHe whoLe daY.. i woKe up at 9am.. weNt for cLass caMe bacK n naP tiLL now.. i m goNna shoWer n cooK n eaT.. n thN reaD my PoliticS!! sigH!! sieNz.. hugz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i also wanttttttt krispy kreme!!!=P