Friday, November 17, 2006

The TiMes we Had toGethEr (",)

mmm iTs 10pm ere.. LatE niTe buT i sTiLL waNna bLog b4 i HeAd to Da bEd.. mmm sLp SLp is niCe buT iTs liKe wasTin tiMe le.. aNyways, i'Ve aLwiz goT ProbLems wiTh waKing up.. so TirEd ~musT be tHe coLd weaTher!!~

oKie Lets see.. mm noW my bLog wiLL be moRe PictuRes thaN woRds.. coS PictuRes TeLLs tHem aLL.. =) *sMiLe WinK* i tHink mY Life is noT so bad tho.. buT tHere aRe of couRse sum thiNgs whiCh neeDs to be seTtleD liKe woRk n counTing daYs to go baCk n mm ... eVery oTher thiNg! noboDy's Life is pErfecT.. wE cnT see tHe fuTure eiTher..
liFe is Like a Box oF choCoLatEs!!
oo.. you dunno wHat insiDe oF iT tiLL it oPens.. (",)

How i miss u?? niCe scoNes ere! MuaKs

EveRybodY groWs eVerydaY!

We aLL Look aLike don'T we =)

lolz.. cute cuTe! i liKe.. *winK*

The SexY girLS!

~GiLa giLa!! wOo hoo.. mm siEnz! moRe Than eNuf piCs keke..
oK i think i shLd sTop befoRe i fiLL up tHis paGe wiT aLL the Pics i haVe.. lolz!.. anywayS i'LL conTinuE tMr! niTey niTe

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