Tuesday, May 23, 2006


HeLLoo.. Mmm Let'S see wHat did i do 2Day.. i Had no cLass in d Morning n i waS onLy thiNkin bouT sumtHin for Me to kNow n no 1 To fiNd ouT.. anywayS, Lets see i haD IT cLass for 3 houRs.. n i LeaRn HTML n nEed to Make a WebpaGe for paRt of My AssigNmenT. iT haS to be compLeTed by NeXt tueSday.. SchooL eNds on The 2Nd June.. so cooL.. buT i'LL be goiN back on the 31st.. SteppiN dowN KL on 1aT of June.. i'm gLad beTter tHan here.. buT oh no The Picture cRossed Thru my miNd.. uNiversity!! 3 yRs.. mm I think i caN surVivE.. Uni Life is mucH beTTer n This tiMe i go BaCK i wiLL do eveRy gooD Deed in oRder to gaiN a Good, Happy LiFe and Future. Thank you My aNgeLs and coNsCieNce foR HeLpiN me.. My DarLiN FamiLy anD FrieNds.. uR The BesT! HugZzz..

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