Sunday, May 21, 2006


a New woRd.. (",)
Hahah.. so boRed.. i've beeN doiN mY aSsignMents siNce mm 11am.. so BoreD!! i m so tiRed of reaDing n TypiNg n Reading & TypiNg.. n oMG iTs raIning quiTe heaVy for England's RaiN.. ^^ anywayS, iTs vERy coLd.. bRrrr!! My haNd sCar is sTiLL veRy ugLy i hoPe iT wiLL go aWay sooN.. mm This moRning i foLLowEd GiaNa My Lil niCe HousEmaTe to Da Church.. so cooL aLtho i m Not a CathoLic i Like to joiN tHem siNgin The SonGs.. i'M a GreAt siNgeR... bLueK** noT baD huh!! What eLse..?? mm ItS suPer FreeZiNg i m WeaRing 2 Long SleeVe ShiRt mm Long PanTs soCKs.. My haNds aRe sTiLL surviviNg so no neeD GloVes.. buT stiLL freeZiNg.. aiKs.. aT hoMe n iTs liKe The FreeZer.. RelieviN mY tirEdnEss oF doiN woRk.. noW, mm TaLkin on SkyPe wiTh GYPSVK!! haha.. They ReaDin TheiR fuNNy PasT i m jusT HeariN.. hehe.. MoRe to coMe eiTher toniTe or Tomorrow.. i m bLoggiN eVerydaY!! QuiTe Fun.. haha.. buhbWaiz

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