Sigh Why doEs eVerYThiNg seeMs to go wRoNg.. i jusT burN my haND in the oVen.. oucH!! i haTe it.. iTs so paiN .. iT jusT burNs. siGh.. i neeD to waKe up n CorrecT eveRythiN thaT happEn today.. EveRything is compLicated or mayBe i maDe it.. buT thaTs how i feeL.. confusEd by eVerything From worK load to ..... siGh.. how i wisH liFE waS jusT simpLe? wHr iT was jusT the woRLd wiThouT Me.. so no woRries. siGh.. i neeD ur suppoRt mY faMiLy my fRiends.. i reaLLy need u guys! i m so dowN n jusT horribLe.. Hate my day!! haTe myseLf.. Hate liviNg now.. sigH i aLways teLL ppL to be haPPy n i m reaLLy tryiN to maKe iT worK for myseLf.. pLeaSe goD help ME!!.. bLess ME pLs.. obviousLy i haVe to do somEthiNG in retuRn i wiLL.. i wiLL!! aLL i wisH is jusT good haPPy not compLicaTed lifE.. i usE to be impatient n just hot tempered.. thoSe who knoW me weLL siNce young u shLd know hoW mucH i'Ve chaNge..? how diFfereNt i am noW.. i feeL i am forgiving n jusT So noT me anymore.. buT this is wHat they say..> tHe betteR u are, ppL wiLL treat u as bad.! so what's tHe poiNT..? weLL, gueSs iTs jusT the way it is.. i am fatEd to be bullied n punished n scolded. sigH.. byee
why so negative dear.. just be happy and everything around ya will be good.. be nice is a good thing.. yea.. youve changed alot.. for the best.. no worries.. hahaha.. sorry bout your burned hard.. take care now.. be happy k.. thingz will work out.. trust me... k k hugz.. nite
darlingg..i hv told u..life is like that..fate is unfair..live is horrible...however..trust me..we can cheat destiny and change our fate..it sounds impossible but..nothing is impossible..we just have to be strong..stand up..try to make the worst become the best..i know u can survive..everyone can..i can..all your friends n family will be there for you to help u face the world..n one day..the one u love..will come n help u too..life is hard..but we dun hav to be weak..we need to be stronger so we can beat the hard life..it's a hard knock life..
hehe..remember..follow ur heart..dun be anything other than wad u hav been trying to be..later we'll meet in california..california..caaaaliicallliiforniaa...hahaha...i cant take my eyes off u..cant take my eyess off u..
luv u..all the best..
hahahah... stop whining...
what do u do when u fall down?
stay there and cry? hope for ppl to come and help u up?
no... thats not it.. u have to stand up again doncha? (i know this sounds terrible old and... erm...but thats the way it is...)
When you think you're feeling sad.. Give yourself a smile.. Just smile and you'll feel that much better. If not I'll go over there myself and press your face LOL :P
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