Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hiee.. aiKs.. What happEneD to Me today! i goT cuT by thE kniFe whEn i was WashiN iT.. ouCh so paiN buT.. nVm i caN beaR the LiL paiN aS i caN handLe reaL paiN PaiN! siGh.. Anyways noW boTh my haNds aRe JusT useLess.. oNe goT BurN onE goT CuT.. wHat's NexT.? ProB JusT Die! haha YEah riTe.. u tHinK iTs so EasY to diE eVen iF u wAN iT so BadLy.. BuT i tHinK i waNna Take caRe oF My FamiLy insTeaD of juSt GiviNg uP.. I Love yoU!!! u kNow who u aRe.. =) aLL oF u!! I wiLL be tHe besT i caN.. i wiLL tRy wiTh aLL my hEarT & souL.. to heLp beaUtiFy aLL oF u aNd beaUtiFy my inSiDe souL.. aNd taKe aWay tHe eViL coNsciEnce!!.. Gtg Bye! One Tree HiLL is sooo ToucHiN.. niteZ

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