HeLLo aLL... I aM so boRed!! aLtho i goT liKe 7 assiGnMents to fiNish in mm 8 days.. haha.. buT no probLemo.. i caN do iT.. weLL, i've compLeted 2.. jusT haVe to aDd abit more buT it'LL taKe LEss ThaN 5 mins.. ^^ *wiNk*.. anywAysss, iTs so boRed heRe i raTher Rot aT hoMe aT HoMe hoME.. roTtin heRe is noT good coS
- iTs FreeZiNG
- BoriNG
- cannot sCreaM
- no one to taLk to.. my housemaTe is studyiN
- there's noThin to do Here but waiT for tiMe to pass by slowLy
KiLL me.. oMG!!.. Today my mooD is ok.. buT its Sad but noT Sad.. happY buT not Happy.. bored but stiLL can maKe myseLF liVe.. but i seriousLy feeL liKe dyiNg aT thiS momeNt.. dunno?? i neVer haVe this feeLing aT hoMe siGh.. hoW i wiSh i caN be occuPied Every sEcoNd.. JusT siEnz!! buhbwAiz..
1 comment:
Aiya, why so bored? Download movies and watch!! :P
But I warn you it can get addictive and you might slack a bit in terms of work which is bad!! SO you've gotta control yourself as well! HAHA
Take care ;p
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